Little steps really make a difference. Begin preparing your house a few months ahead of time. Here are some essential steps to make a difference in influencing the potential buyer. CURB APPEAL The first impression your potential buyer gets is truly important. Begin with the outside appearance weeks before you put it on the market. Capture the interest of people. A clean yard and driveway are essential. Keep the shrubs trimmed, lawn mower and all faux stone in tip top shape. Stand at the curb and look at your house as if you never saw it before. If you notice any defects in the outdoor appearance, like peeling paint on shutters, fix them now. Are gutters and downspouts broken or cracked? Does your landscape mulch look worn out? Can you see your house numbers easily? Repair cracked concrete or stains in the driveway. What you want is an instant and compelling appearance from the curb. Perhaps add potted plants to decorate the entrance. Make your house look like a friendly ...